French Family Favorites: The Must-Have Recipe Book for Home Cooking in France

When it comes to home cooking in France, there’s a rich tradition of recipes passed down through generations, each one a cherished family favorite. But is there a go-to recipe book that most French families own, akin to the Betty Crocker or Better Homes and Gardens cookbooks in the USA? The answer is yes, and it’s called “Je Sais Cuisiner” by Ginette Mathiot. This culinary bible has been a staple in French kitchens since its first publication in 1932, offering a comprehensive collection of traditional French recipes. Let’s delve deeper into this must-have French recipe book and why it’s so beloved.

What is “Je Sais Cuisiner”?

“Je Sais Cuisiner” or “I Know How to Cook” is a classic French cookbook written by Ginette Mathiot. It’s often referred to as the French equivalent of “The Joy of Cooking.” The book is renowned for its wide range of recipes, from simple home-cooked meals to more elaborate French cuisine. It’s a comprehensive guide to French cooking, making it a favorite among both novice cooks and seasoned chefs.

The popularity of “Je Sais Cuisiner” lies in its approach to French cooking. It demystifies French cuisine, making it accessible to everyone. The recipes are easy to follow, with clear instructions and practical tips. Moreover, the book covers a vast array of dishes, ensuring there’s something for every taste and occasion. From everyday meals to festive dishes, “Je Sais Cuisiner” has it all.

What kind of recipes does “Je Sais Cuisiner” include?

“Je Sais Cuisiner” includes over 1,400 recipes, covering all aspects of French cuisine. You’ll find recipes for appetizers, main courses, desserts, and everything in between. Some of the classic French dishes featured in the book include Coq au Vin, Ratatouille, and Tarte Tatin. But it’s not just about the classics. The book also includes regional specialties and contemporary dishes, reflecting the diversity of French cuisine.

Is “Je Sais Cuisiner” available in English?

Yes, “Je Sais Cuisiner” has been translated into English under the title “I Know How to Cook.” The English version retains the essence of the original, offering the same comprehensive guide to French cooking. So, whether you’re a Francophile, a food lover, or simply someone who enjoys cooking, “Je Sais Cuisiner” is a must-have addition to your cookbook collection.

In conclusion, “Je Sais Cuisiner” by Ginette Mathiot is the quintessential French recipe book. It’s a treasure trove of French culinary tradition, making it a favorite among French families and a must-have for anyone interested in French cooking. So, if you’re looking for the French equivalent of Betty Crocker, look no further than “Je Sais Cuisiner.”